Networks Looks At...
S1E22 - Networks Looks At... Personal Journeys in Employment
S1E21 - Networks Looks At... AT & Communication
S1E20 - Networks Looks At... Eating for Wellness
S1E19 - Networks Looks At... Breathing
S1E18 - Employment Journeys - A Conversation with Art Aston
S1E17 - Employment Journeys - Interview with Ruth Landsman
S1E16 - Employment Journeys - Interview with Nancy Jo
S1E15 - A Taste of Wellness... Breathing with Lore Elisabeth
S1E14 - A Taste of Wellness... Finding Your Way of Meditating
S1E13 - A Taste of Wellness... Relaxation Tips
Networks’ mission of “promoting inclusive communities” leads us in many directions as we assist others in welcoming everyone’s participation and inclusion in the fabric of their communities. Join us as we take a closer look, explore, and discuss a variety of topics related to enabling everyone to live a good life of their choosing.